The Face Plant
Have you ever cracked your head open? I have,so sit back and listen to my story.
It all started on a pretty hot day when my cousins and I were on the tramp. Then one of us threw the tennis ball off the tramp and I ran after it. Now below the tramp was an old and mouldy park bench. As I ran off after it and before I knew it was coming I face planted off the tramp on to the park bench. I had cracked my head open, there was blood as red as a rose. As soon as he heard me screaming my uncle ran out to help, I was bleeding so much that the towel wrapped around my head was painted red with blood. My 4 year old cousin was freaked out he was running in circles with terror. He called desperately my mum and dad . On the way I lost so much blood I felt sleepy.
When we got there I had to wait 3 hours to see a doctor to get my head glued back together. After that we went home and went to bed. I did not have dinner because I was way to tired.
Good story Aiden I really liked how you said the blood was as red as a rose. Keep up the great work Aidan!!!:)